Ajay Devgn checked into Instagram on the special occasion of Maha Shivratri with some “unreal and mesmeric frames” from the sets of his upcoming movie Bholaa. The actor, who has shot a part for the film in Varanasi, posted some photos from the day he was “filming the Maha Aarti sequence” at the Ganga ghat. Wearing a white dhoti, Ajay Devgn is seen performing aarti atop a cruise. “Sometimes a director waits for one, that one unreal, mesmeric frame… and one day it just happens. That was the day I was filming the Maha Aarti sequence at Banaras,” wrote Ajay Devgn. He added about feeling an ‘overwhelming magic” and the “electrifying aura of the people” when he was completing the aarti. The actor wrote, “I felt an overwhelming magic that can only be experienced and seldom articulated. The spiritual energy of the place and the electrifying aura of the people all came together in one frame! As the crowd chanted ‘Har Har Mahadev,' I felt an unmatchable power of the divine enveloping around me.”
Ajay Devgn's full post read, “Today on the auspicious occasion of Maha Shivratri, I share frames from my movie Bholaa. Seek the magic and you will see it… Har Har Mahadev!”
Ajay Devgn's Bholaa is the Hindi remake of Lokesh Kanagaraj's 2019 Tamil hit Kaithi, starring Karthi. In Bholaa, Ajay Devgn's Drishyam co-star Tabu will play a pivotal role. Tabu and Ajay Devgn have also worked together in films like De De Pyaar De, Golmaal Again, Haqeeqat, Vijaypath, Thakshak and Drishyam.
Bholaa has been directed by Ajay Devgn. This Valentine's Day, he shared some BTS shots of himself from the sets of the film and wrote about his “obsession” with camera. “I don't know whether it was (love) at first sight. But somewhere along the way, the camera slowly but surely became my obsession. Dedicating this Valentine's Day to something that never fails to excite me. Thanks dear camera for enhancing my world view,” read his caption.
Ajay Devgn released the second teaser of Bholaa last month. Check it out here
Bholaa will release in theatres on March 30 this year.
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